Team Members

Mary Lou O’Neil

Prof. Mary Lou O’Neil, Project Director (Female), is Professor and the Director of the Gender and Women’s Studies Center at Kadir Has University. She received her B.A. in Liberal Arts from The Evergreen State College (1990), her M.A. in American Studies from the University of Wyoming and her Ph.D. in American Studies from the University of Kansas (2000). She also received an M.A in Women’s Studies (2000) from the University of Exeter, England.            Dr. O’Neil has also been a Visiting Scholar at the Newcombe Center for Research on Women at Tulane University and has published articles in European Journal of Women’s Studies, Fashion Theory, American Studies International Journal of Women’s Studies, Feminist Media Studies, Asian Women and Turkish Studies.

Şebnem Eşsiz

Şebnem Eşsiz held post-doctoral scholar positions at Lawrence Livermore National Lab and Prof. Andrej Sali’s Lab at Univ. of California, San Francisco. She received her PhD in Computational Biophysics from Univ. of Pittsburgh, PA following her BS degree in Chemistry from Koc University, Turkey. Her main research interests are computational structural biology, neurodegenerative disease mechanisms in Alzheimers and Parkinsons, coarse-grained simulation techniques for the study of conformational dynamics of proteins, ion channel proteins, and enhanced sampling algorithms for homology-based structure prediction tools

Salih Bıçakçı

Salih Bıçakçı works as Associated Professor at Kadir Has University and has been focusing on various dimensions of the cyber security policies in his researches. In his early publications, he underlined the change of warfare and highlighted the emergence of hybrid warfare with special outlook to cyber-attacks to the national state settings. In his following research tried to understand the change of international setting with the appearance of Internet. Dr. Bicakci tackled the layers of cyber security with a methodological approach which intended to understand the major forces that shape its security.

Yvonne Galligan

Yvonne Galligan is Professor of Comparative Politics, and the Director for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Professor Galligan’s recent publications include Politics and Gender in Ireland: the quest for political agency (contributing co-editor with F. Buckley, Routledge 2015) and States of Democracy: Gender and Politics in the European Union (contributing editor, Routledge 2015). She has a chapter in the Oxford Handbook on European

Sara Clavero

Sara Clavero is a Senior Research Fellow, previously in Queen’s University Belfast, where she worked on the SAGE project and the TREUP project. She has extensive experience teaching and researching in the field of gender equality. Her interdisciplinary background (philosophy, sociology and political studies) is a major asset when it comes to working with scholars from many disciplines. With Galligan and Marina Calloni, she was author of Gender Politics and Democracy in Post-Socialist Europe (2007), and with Galligan ‘Gendering Enlargement in the European Union’ in G. Abels and J. Mushaben (eds.) Gendering the European Union: New Responses to Old Democratic Deficits (2011).

Cinzia Leone

Cinzia Leone, linguist, is getting her Phd in Spain in Sociology, Social Changes in Contemporary Society. Currently she is the coordinator of the EU Horizon 2020 Projects on gender: RISEWISE, RISEWISE JAM; RISEWISE SPECIAL, GNOSTIC and designer of the EACEA Europe for Citizen Project GENDEREMEMBRANCE. She has a long experience in research, innovation, technology transfer since FP5 and continued her studies and researchers towards Linguistics, Literature, Sociology, History and Political Science, with a particular attention to inequalities, democracy mechanisms, national socialism, anti-Semitism, Hitlerian era. She won an internship passed at the University of Wien, thanks to a funding coming from the Austrian Research Ministry; she has edited and published several publications and a book, and is peer-reviewer for several international journals. In 2017 she has been invited to a talk at the Italian Parliament towards the theme of women, disability and job market in Italy. She has been invited to different national and international conference on gender, women and disability. She taught at different courses at a University of Madrid about gender, inequalities and mediation. During last years she has been organising a number of international workshops on the theme of gender, intersectionality, inequality.

Anna Siri

Anna Siri, sociologist, PhD in Evaluation of Educational Processes and Systems. In July 2017, she passed the qualifying examination as Associate Professor in Sociology and in Sociology of education according to the Italian National Scientific Examination Procedure (ASN 2016-2018). Foundation Member and Researcher of the interdisciplinary research group UNESCO Chair entitled “Anthropology of health. Biosphere and healing systems”. Her main fields of work are international comparative studies in education (focus on improving access to education and employment for women, gender and STEM, academic and school dropout, educational inequalities, educational big data and machine learning), health and social inequalities, and innovative and participative learning-teaching approaches (focus on simulation techniques). She published many articles and reports related to assessment and evaluation, quality assurance and institutional effectiveness, and actively participated in paper presentations and symposiums at major research association meetings. She has many years of experience as a project manager and scientific writer. For more information see: She is participating actively in RISEWISE and GNOSTIC.

Gianni Vercelli

Gianni Vercelli, PhD, Associate Professor of Computer Science, teaching Computer Sciences in Education, Operating Systems and E-learning technologies in graduate, post-graduate and master classes. Member of Italian E-Learning Society and of the Artificial Intelligence Italian Association, his scientific interests are focused on E-learning, Robotics, ICT and Assistive Technologies and Artificial Intelligence, with more than 100 publications in these fields. He will actively participate in MILIEU also by engaging female STEM researchers for the joint activities foreseen in the project and linking these activities to those already active in his domain (cooperation with Sky, Intel, Microsoft and others).

Rita Bencivenga

Rita Bencivenga, general research interests are in gender equality, diversity and inclusion, and gender and technology. She studied as an undergraduate at the University of Genoa, Italy, and completed her PhD at the University of Paris X, Nanterre, France. In 2016, she was Visiting Research Fellow in the School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy of the Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK. In France, she is a member of LEGS – Laboratoire d’études de genre et de sexualité. CNRS/Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis et Université Paris Ouest. From 2015 to 2018 she taught undergraduate, graduate and master courses at ISPEF, Institut des Sciences et Pratiques d’Éducation et de Formation, Université Lumière Lyon 2, France. In 2017 she was awarded a MSCA individual fellowship for a project on the promotion of gender equality in STEM disciplines in the Academy. She is currently co-editor of a special issue on Gender and disability, for the peer-reviewed journal About Gender, International Journal of Gender Studies. She has been coordinator of numerous EU funded projects in which the theme of inclusion has included sexism, disablism and heterosexism and a gendered perspective is included in all her research works. She will bring her expertise in the interpretation of the “gender dimension” and promotion of gender equality, diversity and inclusion.

Enrico Di Bella

Enrico Di Bella is Professor of social statistics and author of numerous scientific papers and presentations on measurement of social phenomena, construction of synthetic indicators and their use for the definition and evaluation of public policies. The scientific and research interests are focused on the application of statistical methodologies in the social sciences throughout the process of knowledge building and understanding of social phenomena: definition of the object of measurement, its measurement, data analysis and interpretation of results for policy making. The areas of application in which these interests have been expressed in a predominant way are: gender equality measurement at regional level, health policies, with special attention to the sustainability of first-aid services, urban security and modes of cooperation between software developers.

Lena Karlsson

Lena Karlsson is an associate professor of Gender Studies at Lund University since 2013, and head of department since 2017. She has twenty years of experience of gender research and teaching. Her research can be situated in the field of feminist cultural studies. Her research interests revolve around representation, narration and democracy. What and whose story is given legitimacy? At present, she investigates justice seeking within the Swedish #metoo movement and has done considerable research on feminist politics, life writing and social media. She has taught broadly within Gender Studies, from bachelor to PhD level and also professional development courses such as “Gender and Diversity in Higher Education.”

Tomas Brage

Tomas Brage is Professor and Director of Education at Department of Physics, Lund University. Professor Brage obtained his PhD in Atomic Physics in 1988 and has since then had positions as a Research Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Vanderbilt University between 1989 and 1993, and Research Associate at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, working on the Goddard High Resolution Spectroscopy mission on the Hubble Space Telescope, from 1994 to 1996. For the last twenty odd years he has been working at Lund University, where he now is a Professor of Physics at the Division of Mathematical Physics, the Department of Physics, Lund University in Sweden. For the last 10 years he has been the Director of Education in Physics at Faculty of Science. His main research interests within Physics are Laboratory Astrophysics and Computational Atomic Physics, and he has published over 100 articles in refereed journals. He is a visiting Professor at the Fudan University in Shanghai in China, where he spends several months each year at the Institute of Modern Physics. For the last 15 years he has been strongly involved in work on Gender and Science, where he is active in several European networks, e.g. as a steering group member of the thematic group for Gender of the League of European Research Universities (LERU) network, the Expert Group of the GENERA and SAGE Horizon 2020 projects, and the Expert Advisory Group for Gender and Equality at the National University of Ireland in Galway and the Southern University of Denmark. He has led several projects at Lund, e.g. the Gender Certification project, the Antidiscrimination education and, most recently, the Core-Value project. All are reported in the “Core Values work within the Academia” report referred to below.

Selma Değirmenci

Selma Değirmenci works as Project Manager at Kadir Has University.  She received her PhD in development economics from Marmara University, Turkey. Her main fields of work are gender and women’s studies, food and agriculture studies, alternative economics and woman cooperative organization. From 2018 to 2020 she taught undergraduate students in the field of gender and women’s studies at Halic University, Turkey. She worked on “Private and Public Sector Status of LGBT Workers in Turkey 2018/2019/2020” project and “Citizen’s Word in Public Policy 2019”. She also organized some workshop about cooperative organization and woman studies. She was co-author of Experiences That Organize Life/Women Discuss Solidarity Economies and Cooperatives (2020).

Deniz Altuntaş

Deniz Altuntaş graduated from Kdz.Ereğli Anadolu High School in 2008 and joined AFS Intercultural Exchange Program between 2008-2009 in Sweden as a one-year exchange student at John Bauer High School. After that she received BA degree of Arts in Faculty of Political Science in Public Administration (French) in 2014 from Marmara University, Turkey and Associate Degree of Faculty of Open University in Media and Communication in 2014 from Anadolu University and MA degree of Arts with a major in Gender Studies in 2019 from University of Gothenburg, Sweden with Swedish Turkish Scholarship of Swedish Institute. She still continues her education at Istanbul University in Faculty of Open University in Business Administration Program. Her BA thesis was about Violence Against Women in Sweden, and MA thesis was about Collective Subjectivity in Feminist Activism Against Femicide in Turkey. During her studies she was interested in gender, politics, media and cultural studies. She has interned at and İKSV (İstanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts) during her BA degree. After her BA, she worked as Communication Specialist at ÖLÇSAN and as Corporate Communication Responsible at NOVAWOOD. During her MA degree, she has interned at Kadir Has University Gender and Women’s Studies Research Center between September-November in 2019 and continued to work as a part-time consultant. In January 2020, she started to work full-time at Kadir Has University Gender and Women’s Studies Reserach Center. For many years Deniz is feminist volunteer at Kadın Cinayetlerini Durduracağız Platformu and Kadın Meclisleri.

Çağrı Ekiz

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