The 2nd International Gender for Excellence in Research Conference
for Early Career Researchers* Call for Papers
Gender+ in and Across Disciplines
Conference Dates
10-11 June 2023
Abstract & Poster Submission
5 April 2023
Notification of Acceptance
20 April 2023
Deadline for Submission of Full Papers
2 June 2023
The 2nd International Gender for Excellence in Research Conference will be held on 10-11 June 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. It encourages Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) to present their recent research, demonstrate how they have integrated a sex/gender dimension in this work, and reflect on the value of integrating this perspective into their research projects. The conference is being hosted by the Gender and Women’s Studies Research Center at Kadir Has University (GWSRC-KHAS) in Turkey and three internationally leading partners in this area: University of Lund (Sweden), University of Genoa (Italy) and Technological University Dublin (Ireland) under the European Union funded GenderEx project**.
This conference will create a platform for ESRs to share their research with a wider audience, network with other early career researchers and established scholars and receive feedback on their work. Non-academic stakeholders will be invited to discuss explicit societal examples and market needs where the gender+ dimension creates an impact.
The conference is accepting papers and posters from all disciplines. The papers presented must demonstrate the integration of a Sex and Gender Dimension in its content. Intersectional and gender+ approaches are particularly welcomed.
Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by a Scientific Committee composed of GenderEX project partners. The evaluation process consists of an anonymous peer review by committee members.
Submission Guidelines
Abstracts should consist of a title, 300-500 words and up to five keywords.
We accept files in .docx/.doc/.pdf/Latex Pdf format – as per the call for papers schedule. Papers should be thoroughly checked and proofread before submission. After you have submitted your paper, you are unable to make any changes to it during the refereeing process—although if accepted, you will have a chance to make minor revisions after refereeing and before the final submission of your paper.
Click to Download Style Guidelines
Selection Process
Submitted abstracts will be anonymously peer-reviewed by two members of the Scientific Committee, composed of experts working with the GenderEX project partners.
Upon acceptance of an abstract, the author agrees to submit a full paper or a poster, including results, tables, figures, and references, before the conference. All submissions should report original and previously unpublished research results, no matter the type of research paper/poster you are presenting. Authors will submit full-text papers (.docx and .doc) and posters via an Electronic Submission Form.
Following the conference, a book of papers’ abstracts will be published. Selected authors will be offered the opportunity to publish their work in a book collection of the best articles to be produced in 2024. Both publications will be edited by Lund University.
If an abstract is accepted, the author agrees to submit a full paper or poster, including results, tables, figures, and references, prior to the conference. All submissions should report original and previously unpublished research. Full text papers (.docx and .doc) will be accepted by Electronic Submission Form.
Following the conference, a book of abstracts will be published, and a selection of best papers will be eligible for publication in a book collection to be produced in 2023.
*Early stage researchers—Individuals in the early stages of their research career who have not received the PhD degree.
**Travel and accommodation will be provided to the participants whose papers are accepted from University of Lund (Sweden), University of Genoa (Italy) and Technological University Dublin (Ireland).
Galata Salon, A Block
Saturday, 10 June 2023
09.00 – 09.45 Welcome Registration
10.00 – 10.15 GenderEX Opening / Prof. Dr. Mary Lou O’Neil
10.15 – 11.00 Key Note Speaker / Joao Manuel de Oliveira
11.15 – 12.15 Session I Part I Applying a gender sensitive lens to research
Conference moderator: Sara Goodman
Marine Ledroit | EHESS (Paris, France), IFEA (Istanbul, Turkey) | Lying as a feminist: for an ethics of lies in social science’s qualitative methodology |
Hümeyra Tutkun | LUND | Nation Branding and Recognition: A Critical Discourse Analytical Approach to Swedish Feminist Foreign Policy and the Export of Arms |
12.15 – 12.30 Break
12.30 – 13.30 Session I Part II Applying a gender sensitive lens to research
Conference moderator: Sara Goodman
Nicoletta Guglielmelli | UNIGE | “Be a man, bro”. Men, masculinities and mental health. |
13.30 – 14.30 Lunch
14.30 – 15.30 Session II Part I Gender and Education
Conference moderator: Thomas Brage
Emilia Åkesson | Linköping University | Affective student experiences of cis- and heteronormativity in teacher education |
Carolina-de Barros Vidor | LUND | Gender misconceptions in physics: a qualitative study |
15.30 – 15.45 Break
Session II Part II Gender and Education
Conference moderator: Thomas Brage
Maria Gedoz Tieppo | LUND | Classroom of the present and practices of the past: the importance of understanding teachers’ embodied practices as a possible locus for social change. |
Joanne White | TUDublin | An exploratory study into the reasons female students are not choosing construction related degrees in Ireland |
16.45 – 18.00 Network Event and Poster Presentation
Galata Salon, A Block
Sunday, 11 June 2023
09.15 – 09.30 Registration
09.30 – 10.15 Session III Part I Literature, Culture, Media and Gender
Conference moderator: Mary Lou O’Neil
Enes Akdağ | KHAS | Bodies Without Sexualities: An Intersectional Approach to Representations of Asexual and Romantic Spectrum in Anglophone Cinemas |
Elene Vlachou | Panteion University | Translating gender in queer literature: the case of translated queer poetry from Portuguese to Greek |
10.15 – 10.30 Break
10.30 – 11.15 Session III Part II Literature, culture, media and gender
Conference moderator: Mary Lou O’Neil
Gizem Damla Çakmak | Sabancı University | A Non-Anthropocentric and Non-Heteronormative Reading of Female Sexuality and Desire in Julia Ducournau’s Raw |
Ottavia Dal Maso | UNIGE | We do not have our own history socialist and communis t women’s thought and forms of struggle, 1911 1925. |
11.15 – 11.30 Break
11.30 – 12.30 Session III Part I Beyond the Gender Binary: Queering Research
Conference moderator: Selma Değirmenci
Martina Molinari | UNIGE | Sex (and gender) assignment at birth in Europe: which issues and perspectives? |
Fezile Osum | University of Central Lancashire | Moving Beyond the Gender Binary in Responding Conflict Related Sexual Violence (CRSV): Protection of Male and LGBTI+ Victims |
Anna-Merotto | University of Trento | LGBTQ+ safe spaces: spatial claims of LGBTQAIPN+ people in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. |
12.30 – 12.45 Break
12.45 – 13.30 Session III Part II Beyond the Gender Binary: Queering Research
Conference moderator: Giulia Arena
Sophia Zisakou | LUND | Queer asylum law in Europe: (De)constructing credibility in queer asylum claims |
Annelie Neumann | University of Göttingen | On heteronormative bordering within the asylum decisions of LGBTIQ* refugees in Germany |
13.30 – 14.30 Lunch
14.30 – 15.30 Session IV Gender and feminism in the digital era
Conference Moderator: Caitriona Delaney
Fulya Kama Özelkan | Sabancı University | Creating Feminist Solidarity Networks in On/Offline Spaces for the Struggle Against Sexual Harassment: Turkey’s #MeToo Movement. |
Eirini Spanopoulou | Panteion University | Activism and resistances against nonconsensual pornography: Claiming visibility in cyberspace |
Onur Kilic | LUND | Resisting Bodies at the Digital: Exploring Queer Politics of Hope in Turkey |
15.30 – 15.45 Coffee Break
15.45 – 16.45 Session V Part I Gendered perspectives on families, parenthood and childbirth
Conference Moderator: Amaranta Thompson
Muhammad Ali Awan | Jinnah Sindh Medical University | The Sexual Objectification of Hijra People: Reflection upon the childhood experiences |
Eylem Mercimek | KHAS | A Controversial Feminist Term: Obstetric Violence |
Lisa Schmitz | LUND | Stereotypes, Gendered and Racialized Bias in Family Law: A Study of German Child Custody Disputes Connected to Intimate Partner Violence |
16.45 – 17.00 Break
17.00 – 18.00 Session VI Part II Gendered perspectives on families, parenthood and childbirth
Conference Moderator:Caitriona Delaney
Elif Gül | University of Vienna | Birth justice and violence during childbirth. |
Vania Tabone | University of Malta | Motherhood penalty or fatherhood bonus? A case study |
Gaia Celebrin | University of Trento | Assessment of the degree of labour agency of Eastern-European migrant women working in the domestic sector. |
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