Advisory Board
Tony McMahon
Tony McMahon is Associate Director HR & EDI at the Irish Universities Association (IUA), providing sectoral leadership and advice on HR, and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion activities. In this role Tony works closely with the Vice-Presidents for Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, and the Human Resources Directors of Irish universities, and also represents the IUA in their engagements with key external stakeholders.
Tony has a professional background in Human Resources, and was previously Director of Human Resources from 2007 to 2014, and Director of Diversity and Inclusion 2015-2020, in Trinity College Dublin, during which time Tony was a member of the project teams for the INTEGER and SAGE projects.
He has professional qualifications in HR management, Arbitration and Mediation, and has trained as an unconscious bias and diversity training provider.
In a voluntary capacity, Tony is the Chair of the Board of Directors of a charity providing services to people with autism in the greater Dublin region.
Meytal Eran Jona
Dr. Meytal Eran Jona is the Head of Diversity and Inclusion Unit at Weizmann Institute of Science.
She is a sociologist specializing in gender studies, her research focuses on various aspects of gender and family in organizations, her latest studies aims to understand why so few women pursue an academic career in physics and what can be done to promote gender balance in academia. She serves as the Chair of the European Commission Horizon 2020 project GENERA Network (“Gender Equality Network in the European Research Area”) aiming to promote gender equality in physics and as a member of the Israeli Sociology Society Board (since 2016).
Linda Marie Rustad
Linda Marie Rustad, is director at Kilden Kilden is a national knowledge centre on gender perspectives and gender balance in Norway. Rustad holds a MA in philosophy on feminist theory of science from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She is actively engaged in Nordic, European and international cooperation on gender equality in research. She has worked as a researcher and lecturer at Centre for Gender Research at the University of Oslo, Norway. She has written several articles in feminist theory. For six years she headed the secretariat for the Norwegian Committee for gender balance and diversity in research commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Research. She has worked in the Norwegian development cooperation agency, where she was responsible for integrating gender equality in a program for capacity building of research institutions in the Global South. She has experience from training leaders, and developed courses for gender equality officers in the research sector, and has written a booklet to be used un such trainings. She is co-author of the booklet What is the gender dimension of research? She was a member of the EC’s expert group Gendered Innovation, and she was a former member of the Helsinki group. She participated in GENDER-NET and genderSTE. Kilden is partner in the EU-funded project GEacademy and is involved in GENDER-NET Plus.
Joao Manuel de Oliveira
Joao Manuel de Oliveira Phd (Social Psychology, 2009, ISCTE- University Institute of Lisbon ) is Associate Visiting Professor at Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil) and integrated researcher at University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL). João’s work on gender studies comprises feminist theory, queer theory and critical studies of sexuality. Researching on gender in Southern Europe and Latin America, the recent published work of João and collaborators is focused on gender and sexuality norms affecting trans and queer citizenship and lives in several contexts – Brazil, Portugal and Cuba, sexual citizenship and homonormativity, gender performativity, intersectionality, trans studies and trans knowledges, and neoliberalism. Currently João serves as associate editor of the journal of the Brazilian Society for Political Psychology, Psicologia Política, coordinating a special feature on COVID and biopolitics and on editorial board of Feminism & Psychology, Ex-Aequo – journal of the Portuguese Association of Women’s Studies, Periódicus, among others. João was Honorary Research Fellow at Birkbeck, U. London (Birkbeck Institute for Social Research- 2010-2014) and visiting researcher in the Federal University of Bahia (Brazil – 2016), where he collaborates with the Research Group on Cultures and Sexualities. João participated as dramaturgical consultant in several contemporary dance pieces and performances.
Gülriz Uygur
Prof. dr. Gülriz Uygur is a faculty member at Ankara University Faculty of Law, and is the Head of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology of Law at the same faculty and the Coordinator of the Support Unit Against Sexual Harassment and Assault at Ankara University. Gülriz Uygur is also a member of Ankara University Women’s Studies Research and Application Center, and teaches in Women’s Studies Master’s and Doctorate programs. Gülriz Uygur’s main fields of work are law and ethics, professional ethics, injustice and gender problems, and she has many published works on these topics. Gülriz Uighurs still in Higher Education Academy Women’s Issues Unit membership, Turkey Philosophical Society General Secretariat, Kuçuradi Philosophy and Human Rights Foundation Board Member, World Philosophy of Law and Sociology Association (IVR) Management also has the Vice President and board member of the task.
Cirus Rinaldi
Cirus Rinaldi, PhD, is Associate Professor of Sociology of Law, Deviance and Social Change in the Department of Culture and Society, University of Palermo, where he lectures on genders, sexualities, violence and masculinities, and crime and criminal justice. His main research topics are masculinity and violence, homophobia, deviance theory, and the sociology of sexualities. He is among the few Italian scholars who have widely researched sociological aspects of sexuality, the sociology of LGBT people, and masculinity in male sex work. Among his latest publications the first work on male sex work in Italy – Uomini che si fanno pagare. Genere, identità e sessualità nel sex maschile tra devianza e nuove forme di normalizzazione (DeriveApprodi, Rome, 2020) and the chapter Sex and sexuality in W. Brekhus (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Symbolic Interaction (OUP 2021, forthcoming).
He is currently coordinating the activities of the “Research group on bodies, rights, and conflicts” at the Department of Culture and Society, University of Palermo.
Esther Souto
PhD in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid in 1998 with an extraordinary prize. She has been a Professor of Law in University Of Distance Education UNED since 2009.
She is the author of several articles and monographs in the specialties of Human Rights, Education, Unions of fact in Comparative Law. His lines of research are related to studies on fundamental freedoms, especially in relation to freedom of belief. He has participated in a research project on “Human rights and postconflict” that was developed in the University of Aberystwyth in a stay of investigation during the courses 2006-07. She is the principal investigator of an Erasmus Intensive project on “Women, Immigration and Religion”, in which the Universities of Cagliari, Aberysthwyth, Lithuania and Romania participate during the 2010-11 academic year. She participates as a R & D researcher on the Right to Education in collaboration with the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and Universidad Complutense. He is part of a Research Group of the Faculty of Law of the Complutense University. He teaches and directs Open Teaching courses of the UNED. He has taught and directed Summer Courses in different Associated Centers of the UNED. At the moment she directs two courses of University Expert one on Mediation and another one on Woman, immigration and religion.
Yosef Nir
Prof. Yosef Nir conducts theoretical studies in particle physics. He received a BSc in physics from the Technion in 1982, and conducted his graduate studies, also in physics, at the Weizmann Institute, earning an MSc in 1985 and a PhD in 1988. Following postdoctoral studies at the Theory Group of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) at Stanford University, he joined Weizmann Institute in 1990. He served as Chair of the Weizmann Institute’s Appointments and Promotions Committee 2005-2006, and as Dean of the Faculty of Physics 2008-2015. Since 2015 he serves as a member of the Scientific Policy Committee of CERN, Geneva.
Since 2015, Prof. Nir conducts research also on issues of gender in physics. He serves as the head of the Division of Diversity and Inclusion of the Israeli Physical Society, and as a member of the Steering Committee for the Promotion of Gender Fairness of the Israeli Council for Higher Education.