The 1st International Gender for Excellence in Research Conference
for Early Career Researchers* Call for Papers
Gender+ in and Across Disciplines
Conference Dates
18-19 June 2022
Abstract & Poster Submission
16 March 2022
Notification of Acceptance
15 April 2022
Deadline for Submission of Full Papers
1 June 2022
The 1st International Gender for Excellence in Research Conference will be held on 18-19 June 2022 in Istanbul, Turkey. It encourages Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) to present their recent research, demonstrate how they have integrated a sex/gender dimension in this work, and reflect on the value of integrating this perspective into their research projects. The conference is being hosted by the Gender and Women’s Studies Research Center at Kadir Has University (GWSRC-KHAS) in Turkey and three internationally leading partners in this area: University of Lund (Sweden), University of Genoa (Italy) and Technological University Dublin (Ireland) under the European Union funded GenderEx project**.
This conference will create a platform for ESRs to share their research with a wider audience, network with other early career researchers and established scholars and receive feedback on their work. Non-academic stakeholders will be invited to discuss explicit societal examples and market needs where the gender+ dimension creates an impact.
The conference is accepting papers and posters from all disciplines. The papers presented must demonstrate the integration of a Sex and Gender Dimension in its content. Intersectional and gender+ approaches are particularly welcomed.
Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by a Scientific Committee composed of GenderEX project partners. The evaluation process consists of an anonymous peer review by committee members. Abstracts should have between 300-500 words and up to five keywords.
If an abstract is accepted, the author agrees to submit a full paper or poster, including results, tables, figures, and references, prior to the conference. All submissions should report original and previously unpublished research. Full text papers (.docx and .doc) will be accepted by Electronic Submission Form.
Following the conference, a book of abstracts will be published, and a selection of best papers will be eligible for publication in a book collection to be produced in 2023.
*Early stage researchers—Individuals in the early stages of their research career who have not received the PhD degree.
**Travel and accommodation will be provided to the participants whose papers are accepted from University of Lund (Sweden), University of Genoa (Italy) and Technological University Dublin (Ireland).
Galata Salon, A Block
Saturday, 18 June 2022
09.00 – 09.45 Welcome Registration
10.00 – 10.15 GenderEX Opening / Prof. Dr. Mary Lou O’Neil
10.15 – 11.00 Key Speaker
11.15 – 13.15 Session I Health, Intersectionality, Masculinities
Conference moderator: Prof. Dr. Yvonne Galligan
- Gonca Şahin, The Displaced, Disabled, and Queer Body: Negotiating Precarity During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Deniz Altuntaş, Establishment of an Autoethnographic Self-Narrative Method by Researching On Availability to Abortion in The Context of Gender Studies
- Valentina Carlone, Feminist contributions on evolutionary models of sexual selection
- Marta Panighel, Facing Gendered Islamophobia in the Era of Islamo-Gauchisme Accusations. The Case of Italy and France
- Elif Ezgi Keleş, How Do Masculinities Affect War? Looking Ukraine Crisis Through Gender Lenses
- İlkay Baliç Ayvaz, Spatial Negotiations and New Division of Care Labor among White-Collar Couples in the Post-Pandemic Hybrid Work Environment
13.15 – 14.15 Lunch
14.15 – 17.00 Session II Culture and Society
Conference moderator: Prof. Dr. Tomas Brage
- İlyas Deniz Çınar, Post-Coup Queerness In Turkish Cinema Gender, Sexuality, And Psychomachia In Kartal Tibet’s Şabaniye
- Sumeyye Koca, Myth of Veiling In Turkey: The Women’s Struggle To Take Off The Headscarf
- Sezin Karcan Kaya, Critical Perspectives On İsmek (Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Art and Vocational Training Courses) and Its Relation To Creative Production Networks Of Istanbul”.
- Giulia Arena, The Gender Narratives in Gender Equality Plans: How Gender Is Constructed Through Equality Policies
- Senem Vatandaş, Ayşe Rezan Çeçen, Çisil Dinç, Kübra Savaş, The Effect of Gender And Gender Equality Course On University Students’ Gender Stereotypes
- Nazlı Kazanoğlu, The Impact of De-Europeanisation on Turkish Women’s Organizations
17.00 – 18.30 Exhibition of Poster and Network Event*
- Sofia Campi, Maura Casadio, Changes in Perception Due to Gender and Hormones Level.
- Giorgia Marchesi, Is Gender Accounted for When Dealing Fall’s Risk?
- Amanda Klysing , Prototypicality at The Intersection of Gender and Sexual Orientation
- Ursa Benedicic, Spatial Ability in Relation to Mathematics Anxiety and School Success
- Camilla Pierella, An Analysis on How Women Are Represented in Science and Robotics
- Amy Bellitto, Gender Inclusion in The Development of Lower-Limb Exoskeletons for Gait Rehabilitation and Assistance
- Giulia Ballardini, Gender Inclusion in The Design of Upper Limb Prosthesis to Enhance Their Acceptance and Usability
*The exhibition will be in Galata Hall, A Block.
Galata Salon, A Block
Sunday, 19 June 2022
09.00 – 09.15 Registration
09.15 – 10.45 Session III Part I: Technology, Economics, Architecture
Conference moderator: Dr. Alessandro Castellano
- İnci Bilgin, Gender Dynamics of Economic and Social Upgrading and Downgrading in Global Value Chains: The Role of Embeddedness and Governance in Turkey’s Apparel
- Salih Bıcakcı/Ayhan Evren, Building Up a Gender Balanced Security Culture for The Constructive Cyber Security
- Alessandro Meloni/Cristina Candito, Learning and Practice Architecture: what a gap! (video)
- Sare Nur Avcı, A Gendered Space of Contest: The Converted Hagia Sophia Mosque
10.45 – 11.00 Break
11.00 – 12.30 Session III Part II: Technology, Economics, Architecture
Conference moderator: Prof. Dr. Mary Lou O’Neil
- Sandra Cruz Moreno, Gender and Collaborative Learning Approaches in Engineering Education: A Phenomenological Analysis
- Valeria Piras and Sara Iebole, Gender Glasses to Look at Design Field
- Selen Ertaş, The Situation of Women Engineers in The Labor Market of Turkey
- Mariko Takedomi Karlsson, Unsustainable Fashion: The Co-Optation of Feminism And Sustainability In The Fast Fashion Industry
- Cemile Nihan Turhan, Watching A Place with The Eye of An Outsider: Developing New Spatial Perspectives by Through Oral History He Case Of Flower-Seller Women In Beyoğlu
12.30 – 13.00 Evaluation Process forPapers
13.00 – 13.30 Awards Ceremony of GenderEX Conference and Closing
13.30 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 14.30 Rezan Has Museum Visit
International Gender for Excellence Research Conference Proceedings
Selected Papers and Abstracts
Edited by
Lucia Amaranta Thompson
Tomas Brage
Selma Değirmenci
Sara Goodman
Mary Lou O’Neil